Guild activity

Chapel evenings

Every Wednesday at 18:30

The main activity of the guild are the weekly chapel evenings. Often, the evening contains a teaching by a guest speaker. Sometimes, however, the event is lead by volunteers, and may revolve around playing board games or other laid-back activity.

Because of the bad air condition at the Otaniemi chapel, the chapel evenings are currently being held in other facilities around Otaniemi. You can check the exact location from the calendar by expanding the event descriptions.

Sauna evenings

The sauna evenings of the 2024 spring: 6.2., 11.4., and 30.5.

Sauna evening is a perfect possibility to relax in the midst of work and studies. The programme of the evening consists of a dinner, hanging out (usually in the form of playing boardgames, etc.), sauna, and a devotional. Sauna evenings are usually organised in the Velskola retreat centre of the Espoo Lutheran congregations.

Spring and autumn camps

The spring and autumn camps are a perfect place to become better acquainted with other guild members. The programme of the camp is rather informal, and realised by the guild members themselves. The camp often has a guest speaker having a teaching, and also a Aalto pastor is present. Like sauna evenings, the camps are also organised in retreat centres.

The 2024 autumn camp will be held on 1.–3.11.2024.

Lapland trip

In the spring, usually in March, the Guild organizes the Lapland trip. In 2024, the journey takes us to the vicinity of Levi. We will be staying at the Dealer Kieppi rental cottage, and the various winter sports opportunities of Levi are right nearby! As a result, travelers have often spent their time skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, or in other snow-related activities. However, the sense of community has also been a crucial part of the trip experience. For many, the journey has been a significant place for spiritual growth.

The 2024 Lapland trip took place on 22.–30.3.2024. More information about the trip of 2025 will be published later.

Bible-study groups

1–4 times a month

The Bible-study groups gather weekly to read the Bible, pray together and discuss questions related to the members' lives. More information can be found from the small group webpage.

Prayer meetings

Bimonthly on Mondays at 19:00 and weekly during the lunch time

In the prayer meetings we pray together for common and personal matters. Anyone is welcome to the gathering, and there is no need to sign up for it.

The prayer meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month somewhere in Otaniemi, and weekly during the lunchtime. To receive more information, you can contact the spokesperson (, who can add you to the mailing list and the guild's Telegram group.

Bible quiz

Once a year

Raamattuvisaan valitaan vuosittain vaihtuvat kirjat, joista esitetään tietokilpailukysymyksiä. Visassa kilpaillaan 1–3 hengen joukkueissa ja toivotamme lämpimästi tervetulleiksi joukkueet myös muista yhteisöistä! Visassa menestyneitä on palkittu mm. kirjapalkinnoin.

Vuonna 2024 kilpailukirjoina ovat the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Lamentations, and the Gospel of John. Raamatunkäännöksinä käytämme 33/38, 92 ja Raamattu Kansalle.

Edellisten kuuden vuoden kilpailukirjoina ovat olleet:

  • Hesekiel ja Apostolien teot (2023)
  • Ester, Daniel ja Markus (2022)
  • Sakarjan ja Saarnaajan kirja sekä Kirje roomalaisille (2021)

Wiinaton Wappu

The Guild of the Cross has traditionally organised Wiinaton Wappu on May Day eve in Smökki. The event is family friendly.

In 2021, Wiinaton Wappu was organised remotely through streaming, but after that it has again been held on-site.

Senior mass

Senior mass is a worship service which is organised annually in January in the Otaniemi chapel. The purpose of the Senior mass is to bring together both current and former guild members. If you would like to get more info about the senior event, please join the senior mailing list by contacting the spokesperson.

In 2024, the senior mass will possibly be held during the spring.

Other activities

Movie nights, competition studios, sporting, etc.

In addition to official events, a lot of other things also happen in the guild. For more information, join the "unofficial-events" mailing listthe Telegram-groups, or subscribe to the irc-channels (#rkilta ja !rkilta.pelit @ IRCNet).

Chapel choir

Otaniemen Kappelikuoro oli nuorten aikuisten sekakuoro, joka toimi Otaniemen kappelilla osana Espoon seurakuntien oppilaitostyötä. Se ei ollut varsinaisesti osa Ristin kiltaa, mutta sen toiminta sai alkunsa killan parissa. Kuoro päätti toimintansa 40-vuotisjuhlakonserttiin toukokuussa 2018.

Images: Jaripekka Juhala (1.-3.), Mika Korhonen (4.)

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