MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
02.09.2024 | 03.09.2024 |
18:30: Opening evening04.09.2024 Otaranta Clubroom Otaranta 8 B the cellar Espoo, You are very welcome to start the guild's autumn event season in the opening evening! Learn about the guild events and meet new people, through fun activities and hanging out. The evening concludes with a free snack and a devotional. The actual programme starts at 18.30 at Otaranta Clubroom, but you may start arriving already at 18.00! |
18:00: Alpha course05.09.2024 The Living Room of the Teekkari Village Jämeräntaival 5 A Espoo, Have you been wondered about the meaning of life and other existential questions? You are welcome to join the Alpha course, in which one can freely bring up their opinions, listen to what others have to say, and learn a bit about the perspective of the Christian faith. The course consists of weekly meetings each Thursday at 18.00 in the Living Room of Teekkari village (Jämeräntaival 5 A, cellar). Each meeting time starts with a dinner, followed by discussions inspired by a short video in the beginning. More information and the registration form can be found here: Shall you have anything to ask, please don't hesitate to contact the organizers. TG: @joosuus or @usvakumpu You can also find more information here: |
06.09.2024 | 07.09.2024 | 08.09.2024 |