Events in January 2024
Opening evening
Opening evening
The Living Room of the Teekkari VillageJämeräntaival 5 AEspoo,Ristin killan kevät käynnistyy avajaisillalla keskiviikkona 10.1. Luvassa on hauskanpitoa yhdessä rennon ja kenties opettavaisenkin ohjelman merkeissä. Lämpimästi tervetulleita ovat kaikki, niin uudet kuin vanhatkin kasvot!
Ilta pidetään Kylän olohuoneella. Ohjelma alkaa klo 19.00, mutta olet tervetullut etkoilemaan jo klo 18.30 alkaen! Illan päättää ilmainen iltapala ja hartaus.
Prayer meetings
Prayer meetings
Come share about your life and pray about common and personal matters around a snack table in a homely atmosphere.
The prayer meetings are held of the first and third Monday of each month somewhere in Otaniemi. If you would like to receive more detailed information about the event locations or if you have other questions, feel free to contact the spokesperson (, who can add you to the guild's mailing list and Telegram-channel, in which more information will be sent.
Sanna Urvas: How should Christians respond to climate change?
Sanna Urvas: How should Christians respond to climate change?
The Living Room of the Teekkari VillageJämeräntaival 5 AEspoo,Climate change and being ecological are central topics in current discussions. How should a Christian approach all of this? What perspectives do the Bible and theology provide on environmental issues?
This Wednesday evening, on January 17th, we will have theologian Dr. Sanna Urvas, specializing in ecotheology (and much more), discuss this topic. She has, among other things, represented global Pentecostalism in UN climate change discussions.
Certainly an interesting night ahead, welcome to listen and discuss!
The actual programme starts at 7:00 PM, but you are welcome to join the starting from 6:30 PM. The evening concludes with a free supper and devotion.
Mikko Matikainen: Missionary work via social media
Mikko Matikainen: Missionary work via social media
The association space of the Maari BuildingSähkömiehentie 52nd floor, rooms 240-241Espoo,More detailed information of the event will be published later. Generally speaking, however, the evening will consist of a teaching, a free evening snack, socialising, and a devotional.
EO-excu: Lasse Räty – Käyttäkää oikein jokainen hetki
EO-excu: Lasse Räty – Käyttäkää oikein jokainen hetki
Luther-kirkkoFredrikinkatu 42Helsinki, 00100More detailed information of the event will be published later. Generally speaking, however, the evening will consist of a teaching, a free evening snack, socialising, and a devotional.