The audio Bible recorded by the guild can be found here.
MaMonday | TiTuesday | KeWednesday | ToThursday | PeFriday | LaSaturday | SuSunday |
2828.08.2023 | 2929.08.2023 | 3030.08.2023 | 3131.08.2023 | 101.09.2023 | 202.09.2023 | 303.09.2023 |
404.09.202319:00: Prayer meeting04.09.2023 Come share about your life and pray about common and personal matters around a snack table in a homely atmosphere. The prayer meetings are held of the first and third Monday of each month somewhere in Otaniemi. If you would like to receive more detailed information about the event locations or if you have other questions, feel free to contact the spokesperson (, who can add you to the guild's mailing list and Telegram-channel, in which more information will be sent. |
505.09.2023 |
606.09.202319:00: Opening evening06.09.2023 Otaranta Clubroom Otaranta 8 B the cellar Espoo, You are very welcome to start the guild's autumn event season in the opening evening! Learn about the guild events and meet new people, through fun activities and hanging out. The evening concludes with a free snack and a devotional. Varsinainen ohjelma alkaa Otarannan kerhotilassa klo 19.00, mutta etkoilemaan voi tulla klo 18:30 alkaen. |
707.09.2023 | 808.09.2023 | 909.09.2023 | 1010.09.2023 |
1111.09.2023 | 1212.09.2023 |
1313.09.202319:00: Leif Nummela: What is the basis of faith: ration vs emotion?13.09.2023 The association space of the Maari Building Sähkömiehentie 3 2nd floor, rooms 240-241 Espoo, What is the basis of faith in Jesus? Apologists often highlight the importance of the rational evidence (such as historicity of resurrection), which stand also against critical analysis. A mere theoretical knowledge and an academic acknowledgment of resurrection as true, does not in itself constitute faith: faith produces fruit, so there must be some emotional motives driving the behaviour. This, of course, leaves as a question, whether the emotions are sparked by reasoning, or whether faith inevitably is connected also to personal experiences and feelings of having touched something Holy. You are welcome to ponder these questions in the upcoming guild evening together with Leif Nummela. Mr. Nummela has been the editor-in-chief of a Finnish Christian magazine Uusi Tie and a Bible teacher at Finnish Folk Mission (Kansanlähetys) since 2005. The event will be held at the association space of the Maari Building (Sähkömiehentie 3, 2nd floor, rooms 240-241). The program begins at 19:00, but you are welcome to arrive starting at 18:30. The evening ends with a free evening snack and a devotional. |
1414.09.2023 | 1515.09.2023 | 1616.09.2023 | 1717.09.2023 |
1818.09.202319:00: Prayer meeting18.09.2023 Come share about your life and pray about common and personal matters around a snack table in a homely atmosphere. The prayer meetings are held of the first and third Monday of each month somewhere in Otaniemi. If you would like to receive more detailed information about the event locations or if you have other questions, feel free to contact the spokesperson (, who can add you to the guild's mailing list and Telegram-channel, in which more information will be sent. |
1919.09.202318:00: Fuksisauna19.09.2023 Rantasauna Espoo, Come meet new and old students involved with the Guild of the Cross. Never been to any of our events? This is a great time to start! Getting to know each other, fun activities, sauna, pizza, what else could you hope for?! Bring yourself, your towel, and your friends! The bathing takes place at the Rantasauna (Jämeräntaival 5). |
2020.09.202319:00: Small-group evening20.09.2023 The association space of the Maari Building Sähkömiehentie 3 2nd floor, rooms 240-241 Espoo, Piiri-illoissa jakaudutaan pieniin ryhmiin ja keskustellaan jostain teemasta, pohditaan, miten se liittyy elämään, ja tutkiskellaan hieman, mitä Raamattu siitä sanoo. Varsinainen ohjelma alkaa Maarintalon yhdistystilassa klo 19.00, mutta etkoilemaan voi tulla klo 18:30 alkaen. Illan päättää iltapala ja -hartaus. |
2121.09.2023 | 2222.09.2023 | 2323.09.2023 | 2424.09.2023 |
2525.09.2023 | 2626.09.2023 |
2727.09.202319:00: Erkki Koskenniemi: Christian and money27.09.2023 The association space of the Maari Building Sähkömiehentie 3 2nd floor, rooms 240-241 Espoo, More detailed information of the event will be published later. Generally speaking, however, the evening will consist of a teaching, a free evening snack, socialising, and a devotional. |
2828.09.2023 | 2929.09.2023 | 3030.09.2023 | 101.10.2023 |